GERMENS Store Chemnitz - The unusual fashion shop for unusual shirts and more

Come in and let yourself be surprised by the unique ambience of the GERMENS Store Chemnitz. A large selection of exceptional GERMENS® products awaits you.

The individual woman will find wonderful blouses, coloured trousers, special T-shirts and the finest silk scarves.

For men with a fashion affinity for something out of the ordinary, we present a large selection of extravagant long-sleeved shirts, short-sleeved shirts and T-shirts.
But eye-catching trousers and T-shirts as well as noble silk scarves are also waiting for the man of tomorrow.

We look forward to your visit!


SAT 10-12 HOUR

You can also arrange individual appointments with us.

Contact: René Koenig and Sabine Fuchs
Phone: +49 (0)371 6665266
Mobil: +49 (0)171 1455502

By car you can reach us from the A4 motorway exit 67 Limbach-Oberfrohna, direction Rabenstein. After approximately 3.5 km you will see an orange freestanding building with a white shop facade on the left. You can park directly in front of the shop, in the courtyard behind or on the streets of the neighborhood.

From the A72 motorway, take the Rabenstein exit. The new motorway access is only 1.5 km to Rabenstein. Shortly after you turn left at the intersection Oberfrohnaer Strasse, you will reach our shop on the left side of the road.

If you drive along Zwickauer Straße, turn right at the traffic lights into Oberfrohnaer Straße. At first it is easy downhill, then uphill about 700 meters. Shortly after the doctor's office on the right-hand side of the street, you will reach the GERMENS Store & Lounge.

If you arrive by train, please get off at Siegmar station. Go across the traffic light to the other side of the road and cross the Oberfrohnaer Straße after about 1,000 meters to Germens Store. It takes about 10-15 minutes.

GERMENS - A Commitment to Unique Fashion Art in Chemnitz

Located in the district of Rabenstein, on the outskirts of Chemnitz and not far from the two motorway exits Rabenstein (A72) and Limbach-Oberfrohna (A4), a truly exquisite fashion store awaits you. Known not only for its exclusivity, but also for its creativity and individuality, GERMENS is here in Chemnitz. Here, you will find a fashion store that makes no compromises when it comes to unique, extravagant, and extraordinary fashion. Every shirt, T-shirt, and blouse from GERMENS is a tribute to the art and craftsmanship of fashion design - a truly unique experience for every fashion-conscious customer.

This fashion store in Chemnitz focuses on exclusivity and self-production. GERMENS collaborates with creative artists who turn each garment into a unique piece. The shirts from GERMENS are not only visually appealing, but also an expression of individuality and artistic creativity. The connection between art and fashion is unique and makes this fashion store in Chemnitz a unique place where you won't find such exclusive pieces anywhere else.

Fashion: A look at its significance, history, and diversity

Fashion goes far beyond the mere choice of our clothing. It expresses our personality, our cultural roots, and our time. As a reflection of our society, fashion has the ability to influence and reflect. Each garment tells its own story and has a clear message to convey - an awareness that the fashion store in Chemnitz embodies in a perfect way.

Over the course of history, fashion has continuously evolved. From traditional costumes to modern trends of today, there are countless forms and faces of fashion. GERMENS, the special fashion store in Chemnitz, celebrates this diversity and makes a strong statement with its unique creations.

Fashion is important because it gives us the opportunity to express ourselves. It allows us to be bold, creative, and unique. And this fashion store in Chemnitz invites everyone to discover and experience this unique language of fashion.

Chemnitz: A city with character and history

Chemnitz, a city with a rich history and vibrant culture, is also a home for up-and-coming and established fashion designers. Chemnitz is proud of its creative and dynamic environment that inspires and promotes artists and designers. And in the midst of this creative energy is GERMENS, a fashion store in Chemnitz, known for its unique and creative designs.

Chemnitz is a city that understands and appreciates fashion. It has a vibrant fashion scene, which appreciates both traditional and modern designs. And GERMENS, the fashion store in Chemnitz, contributes to and shapes this scene with its unique and artistic creations.

A warm invitation to GERMENS

We would like to warmly invite you to visit our unique fashion store GERMENS in Chemnitz and to experience the joy and artistic expression that each piece of clothing in our store offers. Whether you are a fashion expert looking for the next unique piece or just curious and want to discover the beauty of fashion - at GERMENS we warmly welcome you. Enjoy a pleasant experience, characterized by fascination and passion for fashion and art. We promise you it's worth it!

In this unique fashion store in Chemnitz, you can experience the world of fashion in a completely new and inspiring way. Be impressed by the creativity and commitment of GERMENS for excellent design and high-quality craftsmanship. Discover the wonderful connection between art and fashion, which makes each garment a special expression of individuality and style.

Come and discover GERMENS, the unique fashion store in Chemnitz, where fashion is not just worn, but also experienced and celebrated. Everyone is warmly welcome here!


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